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Welcome to City

Mission Possible: sharing Christ, Inspiration and Truth with You. In the fall of 2018, a little idea sparked in my brain after a soul igniting writer’s retreat. I had written short stories and articles intermittently throughout my life yet self-doubt filled my mind regarding the skill. The retreat of 2018 stripped self-doubt away and in its place left an unquenchable fire. With each passing year, God has opened doors and sharpened my iron, as reflected in my writings. I thank you, dear reader, for taking the time to read the thoughts typed on these pages. May you find the wisdom and fortitude to pay forward what you learn about God, here or elsewhere and may you boldly walk with Christ wherever He leads.
Angela Nichole

City Time

God’s Love is Greater than Anything You can Find: Hunt No More

By |June 1st, 2022|Categories: God's LOVE|

Love is a powerful word; it is both a noun and a verb. As a teenage girl, I often found this emotion fleeting and I  didn't fully understand it. I, like many other teenagers, would hunt for other things to fill the void. God's loves is greater than anything we could ever experience...

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Your Body is a Gift from God: Caring for it as His Temple

By |April 18th, 2022|Categories: Stewardship|

The pain shot like darts down my neck and into my spine. I was frozen, I could not turn my head to the left or the right. My muscles seized up from the base of my skull to the bottom of my left or the right. My muscles...

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Follow the City Time blog in the journey of truth, inspiration, knowledge and blessings.

Cascade Christian Writers Group

The purpose of this website and blog is to share Biblical truths, inspiration and knowledge about Christianity. It is not meant to give medical or psychiatric advice. Unless noted, the information shared within is the culmination of the Author’s research and opinion of Biblical matters by participating in this blog you relieve the Author of liability for any and all claims. The Author intends for this to be a community that inspires you. Don’ t be afraid to submit questions or comment on the blogs but please be respectful as you do so. A moderator will be monitoring all submissions by writing in this blog you are agreeing to publish your material in whole or in part on this blog and any and all other media. This is in keeping with a peaceful environment.

Resources are listed below for your use, if needed. Blessings to you all.

Alcoholics Anonymous | 866-783-7712
Narcotics Anonymous | 800-627-3543
National Human Trafficking Helpline | 1-888-373-7888
National Runaway Hotline | 1-800-786-2929 or Text 66008
National Suicide Prevention Line | 1-800-273-8255 or Text 741741

“You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.”

C. S. Lewis


Alcoholics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous
National Human Trafficking Helpline
National Runaway Hotline
or Text 66008
National Suicide Prevention
or Text 741741

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